Friday, December 19, 2008

Lake Powell

Somehow, I had this as a draft and never published it, so here it finally is.
We spent a few days at Lake Powell. I hadn't been in years. What a beautiful place. Trent's Uncle Steve went with us and showed us some canyons we hadn't ever seen.

Cole loved the indian ruins. He had to sit in this one with Jayden.

Jayden was so good on the boat. I'm glad he doesn't mind the lifejacket.

We had a great time exploring. I hadn't ever been up a lot of the canyons. We enjoyed seeing the fish and even caught a couple. I actually ate fish. I know, you can't believe it, but I loved the large-mouth bass we cooked. I've even crave it occasionally.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jayden will be blessed

This is not the best way to do this, but it is super short notice and hopefully you will all see this. Jayden is being blessed this Sunday at 11:00 am at 10000 South 3100 East. 90th South turns into 9800 South as you approach Little Cottonwood Canyon. At 3100 East there is a church. Turn and go South from there and you will run into our church. We'd love to have everyone there. Please leave a comment if you can be there. We will have some refreshments at the house after-10562 Wasatch Blvd (the last real road that runs north and south along the mountain.

What did my yard produce?

A whole lot of scrub oak!!!! ( and trash trees and wild rose!) But.....I did have a lovely colorful driveway garden! I'm glad I planted my rose bushes last year. It seems they and a lovely little group of columbine are the only flowers on my entire acre of property! (if you don't count a rather healthy supply of vinca major ground cover that has little purple flowers and keeps Cole occupied trying to create large bouquets of little flowers on none-existant stems, but I digress) What was with the previous owners???? Supposedly there have been three wedding receptions held here in the past!?!?!?! What??? I guess if you like an abundance of scrub oak and weeds this would be the perfect setting. Anyway, I would like to share the one floral highlight of my year-a complete bouquet!

Finalized Forever

We took Jayden to the Salt Lake Temple on October 14th to be sealed to our family. I became emotional as we entered the temple, Trent carrying Jayden and Cole's little hand in mine. What an incredible experience it was to take the boys inside. Cole loved the little ladies that took care of him and Jayden while Trent and I got dressed. Cole was Cole and wanted to see everything and wanted to be at the altar with us. He watched as Trent and I knelt across the altar from each other. My mother held Jayden and placed his tiny hand upon our clasped hands. I don't have words for the emotions that ran through my body as Jayden grasped my thumb and looked at me with his wise eyes. How can a baby seem to understand so much. He has been gifted with an understand of our situation. From the moment he was born he would focus completely upon our eyes. He is so loving and intelligent. These past six months have flown by, and yet I've known Jayden forever. This day was one of the most important of my life; made especially important because of Cole's and Jayden's participation.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still late

I'm thirty-two. yeah.... Trent arranged to send the boys to his mom's for the night and we found a cute bed and breakfast downtown to stay in for the night. Trent got tickets for the Saturday morning session of conference, so it worked out well being downtown already. We tried so hard to find me a new outfit for my birthday, but I am not a great shopper. I think we wasted two hours in Macy's trying so hard and the only outfit I was interest in wasn't in my size. Oh well, he tried. I really do appreciate that he'll take me shopping instead of picking something himself. Most of the time I'm not exactly thrilled with what he finds. He's not a great shopper either! We did get to see a movie. I finally got to see Dark Knight. Quite good. We wandered around Gateway for a while, too. We are really lame when it comes to date night. They just don't happen often enough anymore. We're out of practice. We had a great time though. It's weird to think of my age. I pretty much ignore it the rest of the year and if anyone askes my age I'm stumped for a minute.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Better late

The time came, and went, for Cole's to go to school. I'm a little late blogging it, but these pics were too cute to ignore. Here he is, anxious for his first day of school. He already has the vocabulary. Trent's Dad gave a suggestion for the vegetable garden they work on together and Cole replied, "I concur."
Here is the bus stop rock!
Cole was so excited to get on the bus for the first time. Notice the cute sign the bus driver had out to welcome the kindergartners...
I went to the school so I would be there when the bus arrived. It was quite a wait, the bus was a half hour late! Here is Cole getting his name tag from Mrs. Oakeson, who is also in our ward, so I'll be able to check on Cole's progress and behavior every Sunday.
He was so excited to go in to class. For the first week though he continually told us he was bored. This was because he had to sit on the rug all day...sounds comfy to me. After they were settled into class and into a schedule, the children were rotated through what Cole calls stations. Some of these are Legos, toys that link together and magnet boards. I was worried that Cole would be too bored, the little genius knows some multiplication already. (Wish I could say I was responsible for that, but it's all thanks to the Montessori he attended last year.) I was second guessing our decision to hold him back, but now he's been in school for a few weeks, he loves it and I'm glad to have him home for half the day. I think he is enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and loves recess. So, we're all happy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When will I get over it?

Okay, so the first one to tell me about the Twilight Saga was Trent's cousin last Mother's Day and then my sister-in-law also told me about it, so I figure I better finally read them. One day at Costco I was able to get the third book in hardback, but they didn't have the first or second. Well, I ended up borrowing the first, loving it and then I found the second in hardback at Walmart, loved it. Loved the third, bought the fourth and thought if I could just get the fourth read, I would be over the obsessive compulsive tendency to hibernate in the basement, hiding from Trent in order to read.

Well.....Trent was out of town this weekend and I finished the fourth book easily. I just want to reread them starting at the beginning, the first one....the only one I don't own a copy of! Any suggestions? My house really needs my attention! Maybe Janna can help me...oh no, I forgot she's got all four in a week-or was it all four twice in one week? My mom says she waiting to start until she goes on her trip....will she even be aware she's on a trip? Is it a little silly that I actually want to use the iron on decals that came with Eclipse and I totally want to be a part of Team Edward?

I thought everyone was just silly to be so blown away by these adolescent volumes, but allas, I've joined the crowd. I'm also rather depressed-no new volumes to immerse myself in, better go find book one tomorrow!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Started yesterday night.....stayed up til 3:30.....a little this morning.....finished after the boys went to sleep.....12:30 COMPLETED BREAKING DAWN!!!!!

Yep, that's about all I accomplished while Trent has been away for the weekend. I'm happy, ....the house is not.....


I have so enjoyed having a large RV garage. This may be a strange thing to appreciate, but I do. It's so nice to have a place to throw all the boxes I haven't wanted to tackle from our move a year ago. (I am still missing my two crock pots though-very frusterating---Trent must have boxed those...) There's space for the old furniture that I don't really want to use in the new house (Trent's glossy black laminated dresser!--with bright beautiful gold automotive style trim!) I can also store my travel trailer, snowmobiles and four-wheeler inside (out of sight!) Then there is the extra room for Chris's boat and Gus's boat, Aarons four-wheelers and Chris's snowmobiles.

And here are some pictures that were made possible by our open key policy with the boats!

Me and Trent on the tube

Trent and Cole on the tube have SO much fun.

Our friends Becky and Brynn

Our friend Chris jumping the wake

Yep, that's me wakeboarding after about 7 years of doing nothing....

Teaching Cole to drive the boat.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was looking at pics and came across Cole's graduation ceremony for Montessori at Riverton. It was pretty amazing. The kids had memorized parts to a program written for the fourth grade level. These kids are three to five years old! Cole memorized, "And speaking of peace and love, have you looked at the newspaper lately? There's a lot of poverty, hunger and crime out there. I wish more people would care about one another, be givers not takers. Let's sing a song about how it should be. This is what our program is all about." We practiced for WEEKS. He was very good at it. The day of the program he practiced a bunch and was all ready to go. At his turn though, he kind of shuffled up to the microphone very sheepishly. I could tell something was up, this wasn't him trying to be funny....he could remember his our church talk! As he walked all he could think of was "Hi! My name is Cole Pearce and I'm five years old. I am grateful for Jesus Christ because he sacrificed for us, I can repent when I do wrong." Wouldn't that have been funny?!

What a summer

I had to look back at pictures to remember the order and all we've done. Then decided who cares about the order. Our first hike by our new home. We hiked up to the Bell Canyon Reservior. Took the fishing pool. Not a nibble.

Thanksgiving Point. Having Psoriasis has one benefit-but boy is it hard to get in a uv light treatment every day with two kids!

The new carousel at Hogle Zoo. Definitely a hit with the kids.

These are just a few of our Summer adventures!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?

Well, Cole's stick out. Really out. They are twenty-five millimeters from his scalp. Normal is 15-18. They were corrected to 10! Don't worry they will relax...I hope. Now they are non-existant. The surgery center was great. The nurse came out and introduced herself and got a giant post it note for Cole to draw a picture on. GIANT. About 3 feet by 2 feet. He drew a dog head, then needed to follow it up with the body on a second post it. They posted these on a door and still had them up days later. \
Cole was pretty scared when he realized they would knock him out. We got the drugs in really quick though and then he got really loopy! They started calling him Dr. Cole and dressed him in some scrubs and gave him his own blood-pressure cuff and gas mask. By the time they took him back for surgery he was just grinning and giggling.
He recovered very well that afternoon at home. The hardest part was that he kept throwing up, but he was a champ about it.


He looks pretty sharp now, although it took a little bit to get use to his ears being less obvious, okay so now you have to search for them, but he is so proud of his big boy ears. I had a hard couple of days because his ears seemed to be part of his personality, but I'm glad we did it before he started at his new school. Now that another of Trent's traits is removed, it's also one more point for me in the who does he look like most contest!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I know

I'm ashamed. Over a month without a post. But where to start, what a month. We've been camping a bunch, boating a bunch and had one very eventful day at Lagoon with Cole.

We first had our trip to Browne Lake (which my husband has never looked forward to the way I do-I just don't understand him...) We had our new four-wheeler to take though, along with a raft that is large, comfortable and capable of floating the Green River. We were so loaded down, traveling over Parley's Summit was a joy!?!?! We all had a great time (even Trent!) He really enjoyed taking off with the guys for a day of hard-core wheeling (toughest trail any of them had been on) and learning that our wheeler takes the cake-best ground clearance by far! We rafted down the Green River, we fished and played games with the kids. Cole's uncle Robert made a pirate map and took Cole on a treasure hunt-it really was cooler than words can describe; I can't explain how awesome that was. Cole loved it. Our last day there, Trent said he and Cole wanted to stay longer! Oh, happy day, maybe we can go every year now instead of every other?!?!?

I'll update more later, but I wanted you all to know I've not forgotten you, just Super Summer busy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


We had the opportunity to talk to Jayden's birthparents on the phone last night. They are doing well. Kelley graduated from high school and has a new job. Akheem is looking for a new job right now. They are hoping to save up money for college. They are now officially engaged to each other. We are excited for them.

Jayden is growing like crazy. He is getting cuter every day, too. How lucky are we? He is smiling a lot, and you can tell he wants to do more, he just can't quite figure out how to laugh. Look at this face, though, you know it's going to be good.

He is almost sleeping through the night. Usually only waking up once. Last night he made it until 6:00!!! At two month old, I'm thinking this is great. I'm done with the zombie feedings at 11, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc....!

Cole is still in love. He could care less for Trent and I, first comes Jayden. First thing in the morning he's in our room checking on his little brother. I woke up the other morning and stumbled downstairs to make a bottle. I discovered a little elf in my kitchen mixing up formula for his little brother! He does a great job of it, too. Yeah, help for me!

We are getting ready for our yearly family reunion/retreat. I am so looking forward to no telephones, tv, electricity! Yippee!

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Mother's Day Surprises

Trent had a difficult time with Mother's Day this year. He came down with the stomach flu Wednesday night. So, Friday he was with his uncles asking them what he should do. As he drove home, he saw that Sawyer Brown and Phil Stacey (from American Idol) were coming to the Sandy Amphitheater. He order tickets for us to go at the end of July with a coupon for a babysitter and dinner. The coupon was decorated by none other than Cole with a picture of our cute little family. He still managed to make it a special day.

Luckily, Trent felt better by the time Sunday came around. The bishop moved the morning meeting to the hour before church which might be a good idea for families that don't have a newborn and a five year old. Well, I was late for church, but did get there in time for the speakers. I was surprised when the last speaker, our neighbor across the street spoke about women in the bible and women in the ward that had influenced him. He had lined us up with a women who told us about the adoption adgency that found our son for us. When he said he was going to talk about some women who influenced him, I never thought I could be one of them, but the first woman he spoke about was me. He said he had been impressed by my willingness and ability to adopt a child that was not my own. (He and his wife have had eleven mis-carriages. They do have one child but have been trying to decide whether or not to adopt. It is a difficult decision, but a wonderful experience.) He was impressed by my ability to take a child that was not biologically my own and love and raise him as if he were. I was particularly touched by his regard. I was in tears as I listened. He and his wife were suppose to take in a little boy two days after we brought Jayden home. His mother was in jail and was on leave to have her baby, but would be returning to jail. They would foster him until August, when they would finally find out if she would give him up for adoption or take him back after her jail sentence. She appealled to the courts and was released early to be with her son, so our neighbors didn't get the baby. I know that this was particularly hard for her. She has struggled with the decision to take in another's child. She is unsure if God intends for her to have other children. I know Mother's Day in hard for her, but she is a wonderful woman and mother to her son. She has also become a great friend and one I can talk with about our trials. I know our Father in Heaven led us here to our home, because it is a home, not just a house. We have Jayden because of our move.

We had a wonderful meeting, with one of the highlights being his incredible humor, mixed with the spirit. My favorite was counting the women mentioned in the scriptures. He first said there were maybe 12, but then there were the 2000 strippling warrior's mothers. And we can't forget the 10 virgins. He said, at least half of them were women. I mean-five were prepared and 5 were not, so he figures probably 6 were women....

What a wonderful day, I enjoyed spending time with our families eating good food and laughing. I also enjoyed a two hour nap in the afternoon!

I feel particularly bless this year to have two boys. I just had to have a good cry as I was up at night feeding my son. Because he is mine, my son in spirit, intended to be a part of my eternal family. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful and healthy baby. I'm proud of him and of his parents and their love for him.

I hope you all had a wonderful day. Aren't children a miracle?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Long time no write

Okay, sorry, it's been a little hectic lately. I'm operating on an average of five hours of sleep a night. So, until my afternoon nap (if I get one) I'm a little ditzy and can not be held responsible for anything I say or do! Jayden is growing (he better be for how much time I'm up feeding him at night). I took him for his two week appointment and he topped his birth weight by more than a pound!

He is a very sweet boy and only cries for food or because of gas. Sure hope that continues. He is starting to pull funny faces and loves to look at himself in the mirror. The arms are starting to flail and we can't keep him in blankets. He spent his first half hour outside Sunday and again on Monday. What beautiful weather. Today is cold though so I'm glad we got out.

Our bishop thought we would be able to give him a name and a blessing, so we bought an outfit. We have now learned that we won't be able to do that until our adoption is final, so the outfit goes back! I'll get a bigger size and only have to get one now.

Time to take Cole to school. Tata for now....

Saturday, April 12, 2008


At first we had thought we had settled on Everett Jayden Pearce, but now that he is ours and home....uh....I'm not so sure. I don't think he looks like an Everett, and I can't seem to call him that. I'm leaning towards Jayden for his first name. I think he's a Jayden kind of kid. I also really liked Elijah, which means gift from God. So, unofficially, it is Jayden Elijah Pearce!

Friday, April 11, 2008

It's offical

He is the cutest of the over 400 babies that A Guardian Angel Adoption Agency has overseen. We had agency people making a special trip to the hospital just to see him. They were asking the birth parents if they could bring in another couple, that was there for their baby's birth, to see him. We were discharged from the hospital today and we are now home for our first night together as a family.

My first outfit

Cole came home from school with a picture that he had drawn for his new little brother. He drew a picture of a duck and his teacher helped him write a note. We are all so excited to start our new life. Hopefully, our first night together will be pretty uneventful though.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mr. No-name

We only had about 24 hours notice on this little guy, so there is no name yet, but he is gorgeous.
Born at 1:41 P.M.; 7 lbs 12 ozs; 20-1/2 Inches long


Now, I'm quite worn out and I'm seeing triple (which makes typing and reading difficult).
So, I'll leave you with my favorite...
