He is the cutest of the over 400 babies that A Guardian Angel Adoption Agency has overseen. We had agency people making a special trip to the hospital just to see him. They were asking the birth parents if they could bring in another couple, that was there for their baby's birth, to see him. We were discharged from the hospital today and we are now home for our first night together as a family..jpg)
My first outfit
Cole came home from school with a picture that he had drawn for his new little brother. He drew a picture of a duck and his teacher helped him write a note. We are all so excited to start our new life. Hopefully, our first night together will be pretty uneventful though.
Ooo, so sweet. Almost makes me lactate. Just kidding. Sort of.
Cute, cute, cute! Do we have a name yet?
I think he has a future in baby art! My grandchildren are so talented-lucky me.
He is sure a cute boy! I hope I get over this dang cold soon so that I can come and play with him!!!
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