Thursday, June 12, 2008


We had the opportunity to talk to Jayden's birthparents on the phone last night. They are doing well. Kelley graduated from high school and has a new job. Akheem is looking for a new job right now. They are hoping to save up money for college. They are now officially engaged to each other. We are excited for them.

Jayden is growing like crazy. He is getting cuter every day, too. How lucky are we? He is smiling a lot, and you can tell he wants to do more, he just can't quite figure out how to laugh. Look at this face, though, you know it's going to be good.

He is almost sleeping through the night. Usually only waking up once. Last night he made it until 6:00!!! At two month old, I'm thinking this is great. I'm done with the zombie feedings at 11, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc....!

Cole is still in love. He could care less for Trent and I, first comes Jayden. First thing in the morning he's in our room checking on his little brother. I woke up the other morning and stumbled downstairs to make a bottle. I discovered a little elf in my kitchen mixing up formula for his little brother! He does a great job of it, too. Yeah, help for me!

We are getting ready for our yearly family reunion/retreat. I am so looking forward to no telephones, tv, electricity! Yippee!