Trent had a difficult time with Mother's Day this year. He came down with the stomach flu Wednesday night. So, Friday he was with his uncles asking them what he should do. As he drove home, he saw that Sawyer Brown and Phil Stacey (from American Idol) were coming to the Sandy Amphitheater. He order tickets for us to go at the end of July with a coupon for a babysitter and dinner. The coupon was decorated by none other than Cole with a picture of our cute little family. He still managed to make it a special day.
Luckily, Trent felt better by the time Sunday came around. The bishop moved the morning meeting to the hour before church which might be a good idea for families that don't have a newborn and a five year old. Well, I was late for church, but did get there in time for the speakers. I was surprised when the last speaker, our neighbor across the street spoke about women in the bible and women in the ward that had influenced him. He had lined us up with a women who told us about the adoption adgency that found our son for us. When he said he was going to talk about some women who influenced him, I never thought I could be one of them, but the first woman he spoke about was me. He said he had been impressed by my willingness and ability to adopt a child that was not my own. (He and his wife have had eleven mis-carriages. They do have one child but have been trying to decide whether or not to adopt. It is a difficult decision, but a wonderful experience.) He was impressed by my ability to take a child that was not biologically my own and love and raise him as if he were. I was particularly touched by his regard. I was in tears as I listened. He and his wife were suppose to take in a little boy two days after we brought Jayden home. His mother was in jail and was on leave to have her baby, but would be returning to jail. They would foster him until August, when they would finally find out if she would give him up for adoption or take him back after her jail sentence. She appealled to the courts and was released early to be with her son, so our neighbors didn't get the baby. I know that this was particularly hard for her. She has struggled with the decision to take in another's child. She is unsure if God intends for her to have other children. I know Mother's Day in hard for her, but she is a wonderful woman and mother to her son. She has also become a great friend and one I can talk with about our trials. I know our Father in Heaven led us here to our home, because it is a home, not just a house. We have Jayden because of our move.
We had a wonderful meeting, with one of the highlights being his incredible humor, mixed with the spirit. My favorite was counting the women mentioned in the scriptures. He first said there were maybe 12, but then there were the 2000 strippling warrior's mothers. And we can't forget the 10 virgins. He said, at least half of them were women. I mean-five were prepared and 5 were not, so he figures probably 6 were women....
What a wonderful day, I enjoyed spending time with our families eating good food and laughing. I also enjoyed a two hour nap in the afternoon!
I feel particularly bless this year to have two boys. I just had to have a good cry as I was up at night feeding my son. Because he is mine, my son in spirit, intended to be a part of my eternal family. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful and healthy baby. I'm proud of him and of his parents and their love for him.
I hope you all had a wonderful day. Aren't children a miracle?
I also enjoyed Mothers Day and Dave's talk!
I was in the tears in the back of the chapel when he was talking about the country song that talks of giving birth to a child...something close to my heart right now too.
THat is so sweet! What a special way for you to celebrate you first mother's day with Jayden. It is always amazing to me when I realize that the Lord has a particular plan for each of us, even when we can't see what he has in store.
Glad you had such a wonderful mother's day! You deserve it!
What a special bond you must feel with Jayden after all you have been through with him in such a short period of time!
PS I dropped the sling off a Trudy's tonight...I figured you would see her before I saw you!
How appropriate to celebrate Mother's Day so soon after this special little child came into you life and ours. As someone put it- He did not grow under your heart but in it. We are so grateful for him. He will make many days to come speical. He is sure acknowledgement that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and verifies little mother how much He loves you. Mom
He's already so roly poly. I wish I could get my hands on him...
One post per month does not a blog make - need I remind you?
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