We first had our trip to Browne Lake (which my husband has never looked forward to the way I do-I just don't understand him...) We had our new four-wheeler to take though, along with a raft that is large, comfortable and capable of floating the Green River. We were so loaded down, traveling over Parley's Summit was a joy!?!?! We all had a great time (even Trent!) He really enjoyed taking off with the guys for a day of hard-core wheeling (toughest trail any of them had been on) and learning that our wheeler takes the cake-best
I'll update more later, but I wanted you all to know I've not forgotten you, just Super Summer busy!
I was beginning to wonder where you had vanished to! ;)
It's nice to hear Pirate Shovel-Head Cole had such a great time on his Pirate hunt. I guess I better do a post about it with pictures!
Thanks for the update;)
(even though I had to send not-so-anonymous threats to get it!)
Sounds like fun! How was it taking such a little guy along for the camping?
Way cute pictures of Cole and Jayden!!
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