Friday, July 25, 2008

Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?

Well, Cole's stick out. Really out. They are twenty-five millimeters from his scalp. Normal is 15-18. They were corrected to 10! Don't worry they will relax...I hope. Now they are non-existant. The surgery center was great. The nurse came out and introduced herself and got a giant post it note for Cole to draw a picture on. GIANT. About 3 feet by 2 feet. He drew a dog head, then needed to follow it up with the body on a second post it. They posted these on a door and still had them up days later. \
Cole was pretty scared when he realized they would knock him out. We got the drugs in really quick though and then he got really loopy! They started calling him Dr. Cole and dressed him in some scrubs and gave him his own blood-pressure cuff and gas mask. By the time they took him back for surgery he was just grinning and giggling.
He recovered very well that afternoon at home. The hardest part was that he kept throwing up, but he was a champ about it.


He looks pretty sharp now, although it took a little bit to get use to his ears being less obvious, okay so now you have to search for them, but he is so proud of his big boy ears. I had a hard couple of days because his ears seemed to be part of his personality, but I'm glad we did it before he started at his new school. Now that another of Trent's traits is removed, it's also one more point for me in the who does he look like most contest!

1 comment:

Janna said...

Holy Cow! That's a dramatic change. Mom told me you guys were having that done, but I completely forgot.