Okay, so the first one to tell me about the Twilight Saga was Trent's cousin last Mother's Day and then my sister-in-law also told me about it, so I figure I better finally read them. One day at Costco I was able to get the third book in hardback, but they didn't have the first or second. Well, I ended up borrowing the first, loving it and then I found the second in hardback at Walmart, loved it. Loved the third, bought the fourth and thought if I could just get the fourth read, I would be over the obsessive compulsive tendency to hibernate in the basement, hiding from Trent in order to read.
Well.....Trent was out of town this weekend and I finished the fourth book easily. BUT....now I just want to reread them starting at the beginning, the first one....the only one I don't own a copy of! Any suggestions? My house really needs my attention! Maybe Janna can help me...oh no, I forgot she's got issues....read all four in a week-or was it all four twice in one week? My mom says she waiting to start until she goes on her trip....will she even be aware she's on a trip? Is it a little silly that I actually want to use the iron on decals that came with Eclipse and I totally want to be a part of Team Edward?
I thought everyone was just silly to be so blown away by these adolescent volumes, but allas, I've joined the crowd. I'm also rather depressed-no new volumes to immerse myself in, better go find book one tomorrow!
I too am in serious post-book depression. I just keep re-reading. That's the only treatment I can come up with. Oh, and reading twilightlexicon and twilightmoms websites newsblogs and message boards. I don't know what to tell you. It's like a sickness, but a sickness I don't really want to be cured of...
Ooooh. Look how profoundly lost I seem. Oh well.
Its a good book!! Glad you finally jumped on the band wagon. Its hard to put it down!!
Sounds like you are more obsessed than I am now :)
I'm still reading #3, and looking farward to #4. Maybe I should draw it out as long as possible, eh. Don't want that post-read depression depression to set in!
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