Friday, September 26, 2008

Better late

The time came, and went, for Cole's to go to school. I'm a little late blogging it, but these pics were too cute to ignore. Here he is, anxious for his first day of school. He already has the vocabulary. Trent's Dad gave a suggestion for the vegetable garden they work on together and Cole replied, "I concur."
Here is the bus stop rock!
Cole was so excited to get on the bus for the first time. Notice the cute sign the bus driver had out to welcome the kindergartners...
I went to the school so I would be there when the bus arrived. It was quite a wait, the bus was a half hour late! Here is Cole getting his name tag from Mrs. Oakeson, who is also in our ward, so I'll be able to check on Cole's progress and behavior every Sunday.
He was so excited to go in to class. For the first week though he continually told us he was bored. This was because he had to sit on the rug all day...sounds comfy to me. After they were settled into class and into a schedule, the children were rotated through what Cole calls stations. Some of these are Legos, toys that link together and magnet boards. I was worried that Cole would be too bored, the little genius knows some multiplication already. (Wish I could say I was responsible for that, but it's all thanks to the Montessori he attended last year.) I was second guessing our decision to hold him back, but now he's been in school for a few weeks, he loves it and I'm glad to have him home for half the day. I think he is enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and loves recess. So, we're all happy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

When will I get over it?

Okay, so the first one to tell me about the Twilight Saga was Trent's cousin last Mother's Day and then my sister-in-law also told me about it, so I figure I better finally read them. One day at Costco I was able to get the third book in hardback, but they didn't have the first or second. Well, I ended up borrowing the first, loving it and then I found the second in hardback at Walmart, loved it. Loved the third, bought the fourth and thought if I could just get the fourth read, I would be over the obsessive compulsive tendency to hibernate in the basement, hiding from Trent in order to read.

Well.....Trent was out of town this weekend and I finished the fourth book easily. I just want to reread them starting at the beginning, the first one....the only one I don't own a copy of! Any suggestions? My house really needs my attention! Maybe Janna can help me...oh no, I forgot she's got all four in a week-or was it all four twice in one week? My mom says she waiting to start until she goes on her trip....will she even be aware she's on a trip? Is it a little silly that I actually want to use the iron on decals that came with Eclipse and I totally want to be a part of Team Edward?

I thought everyone was just silly to be so blown away by these adolescent volumes, but allas, I've joined the crowd. I'm also rather depressed-no new volumes to immerse myself in, better go find book one tomorrow!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Started yesterday night.....stayed up til 3:30.....a little this morning.....finished after the boys went to sleep.....12:30 COMPLETED BREAKING DAWN!!!!!

Yep, that's about all I accomplished while Trent has been away for the weekend. I'm happy, ....the house is not.....


I have so enjoyed having a large RV garage. This may be a strange thing to appreciate, but I do. It's so nice to have a place to throw all the boxes I haven't wanted to tackle from our move a year ago. (I am still missing my two crock pots though-very frusterating---Trent must have boxed those...) There's space for the old furniture that I don't really want to use in the new house (Trent's glossy black laminated dresser!--with bright beautiful gold automotive style trim!) I can also store my travel trailer, snowmobiles and four-wheeler inside (out of sight!) Then there is the extra room for Chris's boat and Gus's boat, Aarons four-wheelers and Chris's snowmobiles.

And here are some pictures that were made possible by our open key policy with the boats!

Me and Trent on the tube

Trent and Cole on the tube have SO much fun.

Our friends Becky and Brynn

Our friend Chris jumping the wake

Yep, that's me wakeboarding after about 7 years of doing nothing....

Teaching Cole to drive the boat.