Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jayden will be blessed

This is not the best way to do this, but it is super short notice and hopefully you will all see this. Jayden is being blessed this Sunday at 11:00 am at 10000 South 3100 East. 90th South turns into 9800 South as you approach Little Cottonwood Canyon. At 3100 East there is a church. Turn and go South from there and you will run into our church. We'd love to have everyone there. Please leave a comment if you can be there. We will have some refreshments at the house after-10562 Wasatch Blvd (the last real road that runs north and south along the mountain.

What did my yard produce?

A whole lot of scrub oak!!!! ( and trash trees and wild rose!) But.....I did have a lovely colorful driveway garden! I'm glad I planted my rose bushes last year. It seems they and a lovely little group of columbine are the only flowers on my entire acre of property! (if you don't count a rather healthy supply of vinca major ground cover that has little purple flowers and keeps Cole occupied trying to create large bouquets of little flowers on none-existant stems, but I digress) What was with the previous owners???? Supposedly there have been three wedding receptions held here in the past!?!?!?! What??? I guess if you like an abundance of scrub oak and weeds this would be the perfect setting. Anyway, I would like to share the one floral highlight of my year-a complete bouquet!

Finalized Forever

We took Jayden to the Salt Lake Temple on October 14th to be sealed to our family. I became emotional as we entered the temple, Trent carrying Jayden and Cole's little hand in mine. What an incredible experience it was to take the boys inside. Cole loved the little ladies that took care of him and Jayden while Trent and I got dressed. Cole was Cole and wanted to see everything and wanted to be at the altar with us. He watched as Trent and I knelt across the altar from each other. My mother held Jayden and placed his tiny hand upon our clasped hands. I don't have words for the emotions that ran through my body as Jayden grasped my thumb and looked at me with his wise eyes. How can a baby seem to understand so much. He has been gifted with an understand of our situation. From the moment he was born he would focus completely upon our eyes. He is so loving and intelligent. These past six months have flown by, and yet I've known Jayden forever. This day was one of the most important of my life; made especially important because of Cole's and Jayden's participation.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still late

I'm thirty-two. yeah.... Trent arranged to send the boys to his mom's for the night and we found a cute bed and breakfast downtown to stay in for the night. Trent got tickets for the Saturday morning session of conference, so it worked out well being downtown already. We tried so hard to find me a new outfit for my birthday, but I am not a great shopper. I think we wasted two hours in Macy's trying so hard and the only outfit I was interest in wasn't in my size. Oh well, he tried. I really do appreciate that he'll take me shopping instead of picking something himself. Most of the time I'm not exactly thrilled with what he finds. He's not a great shopper either! We did get to see a movie. I finally got to see Dark Knight. Quite good. We wandered around Gateway for a while, too. We are really lame when it comes to date night. They just don't happen often enough anymore. We're out of practice. We had a great time though. It's weird to think of my age. I pretty much ignore it the rest of the year and if anyone askes my age I'm stumped for a minute.