Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Long time no write

Okay, sorry, it's been a little hectic lately. I'm operating on an average of five hours of sleep a night. So, until my afternoon nap (if I get one) I'm a little ditzy and can not be held responsible for anything I say or do! Jayden is growing (he better be for how much time I'm up feeding him at night). I took him for his two week appointment and he topped his birth weight by more than a pound!

He is a very sweet boy and only cries for food or because of gas. Sure hope that continues. He is starting to pull funny faces and loves to look at himself in the mirror. The arms are starting to flail and we can't keep him in blankets. He spent his first half hour outside Sunday and again on Monday. What beautiful weather. Today is cold though so I'm glad we got out.

Our bishop thought we would be able to give him a name and a blessing, so we bought an outfit. We have now learned that we won't be able to do that until our adoption is final, so the outfit goes back! I'll get a bigger size and only have to get one now.

Time to take Cole to school. Tata for now....

Saturday, April 12, 2008


At first we had thought we had settled on Everett Jayden Pearce, but now that he is ours and home....uh....I'm not so sure. I don't think he looks like an Everett, and I can't seem to call him that. I'm leaning towards Jayden for his first name. I think he's a Jayden kind of kid. I also really liked Elijah, which means gift from God. So, unofficially, it is Jayden Elijah Pearce!

Friday, April 11, 2008

It's offical

He is the cutest of the over 400 babies that A Guardian Angel Adoption Agency has overseen. We had agency people making a special trip to the hospital just to see him. They were asking the birth parents if they could bring in another couple, that was there for their baby's birth, to see him. We were discharged from the hospital today and we are now home for our first night together as a family.

My first outfit

Cole came home from school with a picture that he had drawn for his new little brother. He drew a picture of a duck and his teacher helped him write a note. We are all so excited to start our new life. Hopefully, our first night together will be pretty uneventful though.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mr. No-name

We only had about 24 hours notice on this little guy, so there is no name yet, but he is gorgeous.
Born at 1:41 P.M.; 7 lbs 12 ozs; 20-1/2 Inches long


Now, I'm quite worn out and I'm seeing triple (which makes typing and reading difficult).
So, I'll leave you with my favorite...


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baby update and switcharoo

Baby girl's Mom was probably doing some drugs because she wouldn't give a pee sample at her Dr. appt. The agency did all they could to find out what she was using but baby girl's Mom took off.

But, our little baby boy will be born in the morning.

Here is what we know:
Mom-5'3" tall caucasian, brownish/blondish hair, green eyes
Dad-5'6" tall African American, brown hair, brown eyes

Both are very young. We will be meeting them for the first time in the morning.

Wish me luck!