Monday, January 21, 2008

Cole's fine and part of my body is in a petri dish

For those of you who are wondering, there have been no pin worm sightings and the itchiness seems to have disappeared. Since Cole is only five the concept of pin worms is kind of cool and he was happy to tell everyone we were going to be checking for pin worms... luckily we were only around family members that day. We were finally able to convince him this was not a proper topic to openly discuss. He thought the whole tape test was cool and our need to go spelunking in the middle of the night was a cool thing.

So he's fine and I might have psoriasis. A very bad case of in 8-10 millimeter raised, rough, red spots covering my entire body (but thankfully missing my face and hands), and now after two weeks, starting to itch incredibly. Originally diagnosed by a well-meaning but useless nurse practitioner as ringworm, and later as a staph infection by a bewildered clinic doctor, one before mentioned rosy spot is now somewhere, probably in a petri dish (since it is no longer attached to my body, and said body spot is no longer numb and beginning to hurt!) So, hopefully, after two weeks of not allowing any part of my body to see the sun, or other people-because they all wonder if I have and infectous disease-I may finally have an answer and treatment....yipee....(that was said with a complete lack of excitement-seeing as the dr's guess is psoriasis....)


Janna said...

Eric has psoriasis. It's not fun for him, but not a nightmare either. You could call and talk to him about it if you think it would help.

Tawna said...

I swear, that is the funniest story about Cole. I love his punch line!! I am still laughing! Thanks for coming last night! Always fun to hang out with you!

Tawna said...

oops...forgot to tell you our blog address

Tawna said...

still laughing!!!!

Janna said...

Once a month posting does not a blog make! Look alive!