I'm really not sure what to say. I can't really think of anything we've done in the past couple months. It seems like we're in a rut. Just doing the same stuff over and over. We did clean the garage out. Is that note worthy? It was the house garage, not the RV.....bummer. I finally bought a new vacuum cleaner! Thanks Janna for the recommend. I also bought a crockpot. Whoppee.....I was a little excited. I somehow misplaced two crockpots in the last move. I don't know how you lose those things; they're so big, but I did. Um, Christmas was fun... The boys look so cute in their Ute jerseys. Are you bored yet, I am. Cole had six shiny stainless steel caps put into his mouth. I'm so pleased that I've spent enough on his mouth that I could have bought a car:( (and I have to postpone having my eyes fixed).
Just a closing note. Cole was sent to the principal's office. He has been struggling with controlling his body. They turned his kindergarten over to the student teacher and he had a hay-day with that. Poor girl! So, a few weeks later I come home to find a certificate saying he earned a trip to the principal's office. Now I was confused the paper looked really kind of cute, but said it was for having power to control his body. Since this had been a problem a couple of weeks previously, I couldn't tell if he had been in trouble or not. The teacher had signed it and put a smiley face. Still, I couldn't tell if this was to reassure me that the problem was being handled or if he had done something good. I had to ask him to clear up my confusion. Apparently, a trip to the principal's office ends with a treat and a toy. It's a good thing? When I was in school the principals were mean and grumpy; you definitely didn't want to go down there. He's so proud of himself (and I am, too)!
It's about time you posted something...I was beginning to wonder what happened to you!! :)
Our school makes trips to the principal's office a reward too. Go figure. Congrats on the new vacuum. Sometimes it's the little things, really.
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