Dirt, dirt and more dirt....candy was everywhere, but no charming decor for Heber City. Cole was all ready to go. Trent and I told him to hurry to the back because most of the kids would go for the closest candy. Cole was rocking forward and back and pawing the ground with one foot, just rarin' to go. When they cut the tape, Cole ran to the back and ran and ran some more and then ran the other direction. The candy was rapidly disappearing and still Cole was just running. He was too far away to yell at and even though we where in Heber I didn't want to act like too big a yokel. When all the candy was gone, Cole only had about six things. He was upset because he was trying to find a ball and couldn't find one. He cried and cried and then had dirt tracks down his face. Poor thing, it was pathetic. He then opened one of his treats and handed it to me. What he handed me was a roll of gum kind of like bubble tape, but a cheap version, that was so old and stale I couldn't dent it with my fingernails, let alone get a piece off.
Never fear, though, I saved the day by taking him to Smith's for real gum and a redbox video. We enjoyed finding our baskets at the cabin and then came home to a real Easter egg hunt. Hop you had a hoppy Easter all.